Alta White Teeth Whitening
Bella Labs Teeth Whitening
Idol White Teeth Whitening

Thursday, July 4, 2013

What are some inexpensive teeth whitening strips that work?

Question by Kiddo: What are some inexpensive teeth whitening strips that work?
Just got my braces off and would like to whiten my teeth a little. They could really use it... Any good brands of teeth whitening strips that are not that costly and work great? Thanks :)

Best answer:

Answer by Amgar
Brush with baking soda for a while and it will whiten your teeth

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. Crest white strips

  2. Don't buy the big brands of whitening strips-- buy the store brand (like Duane Reade Brand whitening strips). It's the same ingredients and a lot cheaper.

  3. Music Maestro OnlineJuly 4, 2013 at 8:11 AM

    Hi Kiddo, why use strips? I'd personally recommend using teeth whitening pens where you just rub the pen along your teeth... Kim Kardashian and her sisters use a teeth whitening pen called IdolWhite.

    Here's a FREE IdolWhite trial, you just have to pay $ 3 for shipping...

    I hope this helps, let me know ;o)

  4. Congrats! Here is a site with lots of reviews on the best products - enjoy. Keep in mind that it is sometimes better to spend a little extra to get the results that you want.

  5. I think this article might give you the answer.

  6. I've tried several and ezBright Pro work the best. You can get a free trial at:
