Alta White Teeth Whitening
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Idol White Teeth Whitening

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How much will teeth whitening cost?

Question by Natalie M: How much will teeth whitening cost?
How much will teeth whitening cost for a teenager? How do the results look? Do you suggest another way to getting white teeth? What would your suggestion be?

Best answer:

Answer by JBlovergirl
same problem, i want white teeth when i get my braces off

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Florida Kayak GirlJuly 10, 2013 at 4:02 PM

    Depends on where you live, what dentist you see, and what type of whitening they use. The cost varies. It can cost from $ 250 to $ 1000 or more. The results can show up in a week or two, or less if you have deep bleaching or zoom whitening done.

  2. Probably around $ 200 ask your dentist about it. There should definitely be a nice difference. Good luck! :-)

  3. I asked my dentist the other day and they told me that they charge $ 400, they take a mould of your teeth then develop a plastic tray for you to use and you do it yourself.

    The other alternative is buying a home teeth whitening product. They can range from $ 20 to $ 150 depending on the brand. The chemist has 'White Glo' which I haven't tried, I think it costs about $ 20. A search on Ebay should pull up a lot of choices too.

  4. It all depends on the route you want to go. If you go for the laser whitening you are looking at droping a pretty penny but it does work great.

    If you want to kit you can get those from free trials to up to $ 400-$ 500.

    The problem wit the at home kits is that you have to stay consistent. If you miss just one day it set's you back and your wasting money. If you go to the dentist and follow what they say you are guaranteed results.

    Good luck!
