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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's the best toothpaste to make your gums pink and make your teeth white?

Question by jason_bartlett_79: What's the best toothpaste to make your gums pink and make your teeth white?
What's the best toothpaste to make your teeth white and make your gums pink? Because my gums are kind of red and my teeth have plague on them, but I brush.

Best answer:

Answer by SAM.
Many toothpastes claim to mae your teeth whiter. They lie.

The ones that dont lie (to me anyhow) are Aquafresh and Arm & Hammer

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Any toothpaste with whitener will help a little bit.. But if you really want whiter teeth, you need to do some sort of bleaching. To get your gums pink, you need to brush and FLOSS!!

  2. crest night effects.

  3. I use Aquafresh and it really helps compared to any other tooth paste that I've used.

  4. Many toothpastes that claim to whiten the teeth do that to some extent. However, make sure you use one with the ADA (American Dental Association) approval.

    It is better not to use these over a prolonged period. Most of these contain abrasives and gradually strip the surface layer of enamel that does not grow back. It looks whiter but if you overdo it, pretty soon you will end up having too smmoth, shiny and sensitive teeth.

    So, after using one tube of whitening toothpaste switch over to a fluoride toothpaste. Even better, alternate between these two everyday.

    I am not aware of any toothpaste making your gums pink. Gums can get darker because of pigmentation caused by genetical predisposition or cigarette smoking. One cannot change anything that one is destined to get because of heredity but one can stop smoking and see some improvement there.

    You should study a little bit more about teeth bleaching before you put too much emphasis on that. Hope the following article helps. Good luck !
