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Friday, July 5, 2013

How to make your teeth whiter?

Question by MakeupManiac: How to make your teeth whiter?
I got my braces off this past summer and my teeth just arent as white as i want them to be!

My mom refuses to get my teeth whitened at a dentist office, so i am wondering if you guys have any helpful tips on how to get white teeth

What whitening strips work best?
What toothpaste is good for whitening?

Anything like that would be great!


Best answer:

Answer by Slyvia
Brush your teeth with baking soda and peroxide or a whitening toothpaste recommended by your dentist. Many name-brand toothpastes now contain baking soda to help remove surface stains from coffee, tea, and soda, and many bleaching systems contain hydrogen peroxide to help users make their teeth whiter. Dip your toothbrush in a small amount of peroxide and then dip it into the baking soda. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes and rinse your mouth well. Brush your teeth using your regular toothpaste for at least 30 seconds afterward. While this method is very effective in helping most people achieve a whiter smile, you should only use it once or twice a week to prevent tooth sensitivity.

2Eat plenty of strawberries. Strawberries contain malic acid, a natural bleaching agent that may be just as effective as name brand teeth-whiteners. You can even mash a strawberry and apply it directly to your teeth to brighten your smile gently and effectively.

3Try rubbing a ripe banana peel on your teeth every day. Simply use the inside of a banana peel to massage your teeth for at least two minutes before brushing. You should see a stunning improvement in your smile in as little as two weeks.

4Use a whitening mouthwash to get whiter teeth and kill bacteria in the mouth. Whitening mouthwashes work well for removing surface stains on the areas of your teeth that are hard to reach with a toothbrush or dental floss. Swish the liquid in your mouth for at least 60 seconds twice daily to make your teeth whiter and improve your smile.

5Avoid using products that make your teeth whiter but create long-term problems. Many household products have received acclaim on the Internet for producing bright smiles, but most dentists don't agree with the claims. Brushing your teeth in lemon or lime juice, salt brine or household bleach will whiten your teeth, but the results are only temporary and they come at a high cost.
Lemon juice, lime juice and bleach can wear away the enamel of the teeth and expose the yellow dentin beneath, while salt brine destroys the delicate tissue of the gums, which can cause your teeth to become dislodged and fall out. If you're unsure about the safety of teeth-whitening products, talk to your dentist.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. crest white stripes work really well and don't damage your teeth

  2. I have been a heavy smoker for the past 8 years and used to have stained teeth.. And I mean really badly stained.

    Brushing your teeth after every meal will prevent your teeth from getting any worse. And of course keeping away from coffee, tea and smoking will help too. ;-)

    The crest whitening strips work pretty good. I noticed a difference the first few times I used it, but the more I used them though the less difference I saw.

    There is a product out there that helped me get my teeth white in 2 weeks flat.. It ships in a day or two and it only costs $ 1 using a coupon.
    get it urself from and use the coupon:SMILE

    Enjoy your white teeth with this product and stay away from other rip offs with fake promises.

    PS: It took me years of trial and error to get to this miracle product and I would love to share my experience with you.
