Alta White Teeth Whitening
Bella Labs Teeth Whitening
Idol White Teeth Whitening

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How can I whiten my teeth at home for a low cost?

Question by Answer Me Please :-): How can I whiten my teeth at home for a low cost?
Something that will get my teeth super white.

Best answer:

Answer by ~*$ Ms.PoRtEr$ *~
Crest whitestrips

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

How do u make your teeth white?

Question by Emma: How do u make your teeth white?
I brush my teeth twice a day, but this isn't making my teeth white. What can i do?

Best answer:

Answer by Anthony
Ask ur dentist about getting them whitened.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How much are fillings on the bottom front teeth?

Question by ripstick_530: How much are fillings on the bottom front teeth?
I have acid erosion on the front four bottom teeth. i need white fillings, how much will they be? how much would a crown cost?

Best answer:

Answer by Camie
It would cost up to $ 176.00 a piece for tooth colored fillings. A crown could cost $ 1,192.00 a piece. I can save you 66% on your fillings and 56% on your porcelain crown! Email me if interested.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

What teeth whitening product would you recommend?

Question by : What teeth whitening product would you recommend?
I will be getting braces off soon and have had them on for a solid 3 years. I really need a very effective teeth whitening product, over the counter. Any ideas? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by shelba
How do teeth whitening products work? Whitening the teeth with the use of proper teeth whitening products or teeth whitening kits is both effective and safe. It is because none of the good quality teeth whitening products damage the enamel. If you are really looking for teeth whitening, normal toothpaste probably isn't enough just by itself.

I suggest doing what this mom did,

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Friday, October 18, 2013

What is a good teeth whitening system that can be bought online?

Question by Proud Papa: What is a good teeth whitening system that can be bought online?
What is a good teeth whitening system that can be bought online?
I got trays made a couple of years ago and went through a bleaching system, kind of half way. I'm wondering what a recommended brand of bleach or peroxide is. I paid like $ 200.00 for the trays and kind of wanted to get something stronger than Crest or an over the counter, any suggestions

Best answer:

Answer by Sanda
You paid $ 200 just for bleaching trays ??? You got ripped off !
Do yourself a favor and don't waste any money on bleaching products for your teeth. The over the counter stuff is not strong enough. Go to a dentist if you have to bleach your teeth. Keep in mind that crowns, caps, fillings and other dental work will stay the same color, they will not become lighter.
Look, people don't know that teeth are living organs (having blood vessels and nerves), they're not just pieces of bone stuck in your gums... The colour of the tooth comes from within (the dentin), the enamel is the outer layer that covers the dental crown and protects it. The bleaching affects the enamel creating the temporary illusion of "whiter teeth". Ever wondered why you need to bleach AGAIN ?
Oh, let's mention the hypersensitivity you're left with after bleaching, and doesn't always go away...
Working in a dental office I could have this (bleaching) done for free (zero, zip, zilch, nada) but I choose not to do it !...If people only knew...

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What is the best way to get white teeth?

Question by fabstar: What is the best way to get white teeth?
I was looking in the mirror, trying to adjust my smile when i realized that my teeth were a horrible yellow.

Can someone please help me by telling me a way in which my teeth will become white in a few days - something that doesn't cost.

Thank you all so much for your help!

Best answer:

Answer by Gaus
BRUSH YOUR TEETH...stay away from coffee and other liquids/food that might discolor your teeth.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

How much does cosmetic dental work typically cost?

Question by Terry: How much does cosmetic dental work typically cost?
This would include straightening the teeth and making them white.

Have you had work done? If so, what did they do, and how much did it cost? Did your insurance pay for it?

Best answer:

Answer by Lyds
If you want to make your teeth straight you have to visit a orthodontist. They will give you braces and other stuff to make then straight. To get them white you can visit a regular dentist and they can whiten them. Usually insurance will pay some of the cost but if you don't have a good insurance then they might not. braces may cost over 1000 dollars depending on how bad your teeth are. ( hope this information helped you) good luck!

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How can you make teeth whiter?

Question by Q's about Beauty: How can you make teeth whiter?
Are there any possible and proven ways to make your teeth white or whiter? As soon as possible or not.

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Britny
Brush with baking soda, Rinse with Peroxide.

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How can i make my teeth whiter?

Question by BlueJ: How can i make my teeth whiter?
is it true if i put peroxide on my teeth it will make it whiter?
and how much does it cost to get your teeth bleeched?

Best answer:

Answer by lizzy B
grab a paint brush and start painting

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

how do i get my teeth white really quickly?

Question by .......: how do i get my teeth white really quickly?
i cant use crest white strips because they hurt my teeth really bad... and i got this uv whitening to use when i go tanning but that isnt really working for me...... im getting braces in 4 days so i want to get my teeth white before then!! any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Girl in Florida
The dentist can make trays for your teeth and you sleep with the solution on - takes 14 days and they'll be whiter than a sheet of paper. Well worth the $ $ money - costs about $ 250.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How can I make my teeth white WITHOUT any whitener stuff from the store?

Question by It's, My, Lifffffffeeee: How can I make my teeth white WITHOUT any whitener stuff from the store?
I need something to make my teeth white by tomorow, any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by sashazur
I don't think there's anything you can do - the store bought whiteners don't work that fast, so I can't think of anything that would make your teeth white overnight, AND that you could do without buying anything.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Whats the best home teeth whitening products that I can use to whiten teeth?

Question by : Whats the best home teeth whitening products that I can use to whiten teeth?
How bout Laser teeth whitening? Are professional teeth whitening products really much better than over the counter at home teeth whitening kits such as crest or rembrandt advanced whitening strips, listerine etc?

Best answer:

Answer by Tay
Honestly, I've found that taking a small amount of half peroxide and half water and swishing it in your mouth works wonders. It may take a couple of days to notice but it works great. Just make sure you rinse with water well afterwards... And don't swallow!!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What is the #1 Dentist recommended toothpaste for teeth whitening?

Question by Mi$ ta Fr3sH: What is the #1 Dentist recommended toothpaste for teeth whitening?
I just bought Aquafresh Extreme Clean and that is said to be for teeth whitening but I don't know what is anymore.

Best answer:

Answer by Antoine
Be careful because brushing your teeth with baking soda more than once a week can cause serious damage to your teeth enamel. You might want to use whitestrips or an actual teeth whitening treatment instead. I found some free trials that I posted on my blog that work great. You can see how much of a difference they made on my teeth.

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