Alta White Teeth Whitening
Bella Labs Teeth Whitening
Idol White Teeth Whitening

Monday, April 29, 2013

What is the best toothpaste to make teeth white?

Question by Anonymous__Person__Foo: What is the best toothpaste to make teeth white?
I need to get my teeth whiter so what would be the best toothpaste for it?

Best answer:

Answer by James
I just recently started using colgate optic white been using it for a 9 days now and i have seen my teeth get white. Its also cheap too!!!

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About how much will teeth whitening cost?

Question by pookie butt: About how much will teeth whitening cost?
I know crest white strips cost like $ 40, but about how much would it cost to get my teeth professionally whitened?

Best answer:

Answer by lalalaaa
it can be from around $ 400 - $ 900, but probably depends on where you go...?
you can get it done really cheaply at home -

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

How long will it take for yellow teeth to turn white if you brush three times a day?

Question by : How long will it take for yellow teeth to turn white if you brush three times a day?
I brush my teeth three times a day, every day and it doesnt seem like my teeth are turning white.

Best answer:

Answer by ocularnervosa
It will never happen. Toothbrushes and whitening products only remove surface stains. The yellow is deep within the tooth itself. The only true way to whiten is to go to a hygienist and have them bleached.

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How to use strawberries to make my teeth whiter?

Question by I wonder...: How to use strawberries to make my teeth whiter?
I've heard that strawberries can make your teeth whiter, but how does it work? Do you just rub strawberries all over your teeth? Are you supposed to smash them, or mix them with something?

Thank you! :)

Best answer:

Answer by Maddie
i have never heard that before lol, but i just goggled it and thats really cool.

heres what i got from this website:

You need:
1 ripe strawberry
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Directions: Crush the strawberry to a pulp, then mix with the baking soda until blended. Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth. Leave on for 5 minutes, then brush thoroughly with toothpaste to remove the berry–baking soda mix. Rinse. (A little floss will help get rid of any strawberry seeds.) Carrel says you can apply once a week.

oh and btw, u can also whiten ur teeth with the white part of an orange ( u no, like the skin part)

happy teeth whitening :P

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How well do teeth whitening trays from the store work?

Question by Sara: How well do teeth whitening trays from the store work?
I want to get the teeth whitening trays from the store. Do they work? How long do they take to work?

Best answer:

Answer by Coco M
yes and one to two days.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Does a dentist teeth whitening make a big difference on yellow teeth?

Question by Mr X: Does a dentist teeth whitening make a big difference on yellow teeth?
The local dentist has a special if i get my teeth cleaned they do a free teeth whitening, anyone ever done one of these?
I use crest white strips on & off not consistent to see change as the strips are a sloppy process.

Best answer:

Answer by get g
The in-office treatment is often very effective. You can compare the effectiveness and cost of the different teeth whitening systems here:

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Friday, April 26, 2013

home teeth whitening - How do celebrities get home teeth whitening? any idea?

Question by : home teeth whitening - How do celebrities get home teeth whitening? any idea?
I need help on the best teeth whitening products department. I've used white strips before but they're really gross for some reason. Any other best teeth whitening products methods that has worked for yourself?

Best answer:

Answer by Steve
Brushing your teeth after every meal will prevent your teeth from getting any worse. And of course keeping away from coffee, tea and smoking will help too. ;-)

The crest whitening strips work pretty good. I notice a difference the first few times I used it, but the more I used them though the less difference I saw.

As far as the whitening tooth paste and mouth washes, they don't seem to do anything at all.

What worked the best for me was this mail order stuff from, it worked really quickly. They had a free sample offer so you can try it out and see how it works for yourself.

Click the link below if your interested in getting the free sample:

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How well do teeth whitening trays from the store work?

Question by : How well do teeth whitening trays from the store work?
I want to get the teeth whitening trays from the store. Do they work? How long do they take to work?

Best answer:

Answer by ellan
Teeth whitening is commonly accomplished by applying a bleaching agent to the teeth. The longer the bleaching agent is applied the better it works. Or at least this is how every teeth whitening system is marketed. If you are really looking for teeth whitening, normal toothpaste probably isn't enough just by itself.

I suggest doing what this mom did,

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How often should I use the teeth whitening powder?

Question by Xhoker: How often should I use the teeth whitening powder?
So I bought this teeth whitening powder last week but I don't really know how often I should use it. I've been using it every day but I'm afraid it will damage my teeth. Sooo, how often should I use it ???

Best answer:

Answer by Thinking About Things
Directions are on the package.

If it doesn't have directions, you got ripped off. Throw it out and buy a product from a regular store.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

How do i keep my teeth white if i have braces?

Question by Selena Moss: How do i keep my teeth white if i have braces?
I'm getting braces for two years next week. My only concern is how will i keep my teeth white if my braces are kind of in the way?

Best answer:

Answer by heyaa
Mouth washhh and the specail foaming toothpaste get through all corners :)

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's the best toothpaste to make your gums pink and make your teeth white?

Question by jason_bartlett_79: What's the best toothpaste to make your gums pink and make your teeth white?
What's the best toothpaste to make your teeth white and make your gums pink? Because my gums are kind of red and my teeth have plague on them, but I brush.

Best answer:

Answer by SAM.
Many toothpastes claim to mae your teeth whiter. They lie.

The ones that dont lie (to me anyhow) are Aquafresh and Arm & Hammer

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

does listerine whitening mouth wash really work?

Question by !!!!: does listerine whitening mouth wash really work?
Does it really whiten your teeth?
What are some other ways to get your teeth white?

Best answer:

Answer by Jazziii-xo
Well it must do.
You can get your teeth white by whitenning them proffesionally by the dentist but it costs.
And pearl drops.


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What teeth whitening products are available for people allergic to mint & mint flavoring?

Question by Para: What teeth whitening products are available for people allergic to mint & mint flavoring?
I'm quite allergic to mint & mint flavoring (spearmint, winter mint, etc.). What teeth whitening products are available without mint and still work?

I've found a lot of products that just list "flavoring" and still have mint in them, so it makes reading ingredients difficult. So, I'm looking for personal experiences. Thanks everyone!

Best answer:

Answer by Daryl Tumbagahon
Instead of using oral products that would probably have an outcome in about 4 months time (based on those promising commercials), try the Teeth-Bleaching that most dental clinics offer nowadays.
This sure is instant but then you still have to follow some maintenance with regular dental check ups.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

How to get your teeth white, for little amount of money?

Question by lalalovelybby: How to get your teeth white, for little amount of money?
I want to get my teeth whiter, but dont want to spend so much money, help?

Best answer:

Answer by нaямоиy

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What are some ways to get my teeth more white?

Question by GeeGee: What are some ways to get my teeth more white?
My mom says I can work this summer, what are some natural ways, or store products, that will help me get white teeth for a job interview. I figure if i start now they will be brighter by June. For those wondering why don't i get a cleaning at the dentist well i'm too old for the insurance to cover it now. thanx for answers

Best answer:

Answer by Shady L
liquid paper
Smile for 1 hour and clog up the saliva with tissue

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

What is the best teeth whitening system, product, or procedure and what are the costs?

Question by John S.: What is the best teeth whitening system, product, or procedure and what are the costs?
The options for teeth whitening are many. I've tried several with only limited results. I'm looking to hear from someone who has either found a really effective teeth whitening system they applied at home, or went to a dentist and had another procedure that hopefully was not too expensive.

I'm looking to hear from people with experience in this area. Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by LivaPud
hey John S!!
I recently got my teeth whitened from an NHS dentist and it cost me £199. I dont think it was too expensive considering my FAB results! xx

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

How can I keep my teeth white as a coffee addict?

Question by oscar5453: How can I keep my teeth white as a coffee addict?
How can I keep my teeth white as a coffee addict?? Just got my braces off and I love coffee.....I plan to whiten my teeth but am I wasting my time? How can I keep them white?

Best answer:

Answer by MaryBeth
Use a straw

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Which toothpaste is the best for teeth whitening?

Question by : Which toothpaste is the best for teeth whitening?
I really need whiter teeth and I am not allowed to use white strips. What toothpaste is the best for teeth whitening? And how many times a day should I brush? I already do at least 2. Should i try to do 3 or 4?

Best answer:

Answer by ԑrnest, the one and only
any, try aquafresh

brush like 3 times

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How to get super white teeth without having to spend a whole bunch of money?

Question by Bubbles_96: How to get super white teeth without having to spend a whole bunch of money?
What is the best way to really whiten your teeth without damaging your teeth or spending alot of money?
(what is the best tooth paste, mouth wash, home remedies, ect)

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
Colgate whitening toothpastes are good :) as for mouthwash look for one that contains fluoride :)

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What is a good product for teeth whitening?

Question by Angela Q: What is a good product for teeth whitening?
My teeth are kinda off-white and I want them to be whiter (like ... a celebrity's or something). Does anyone have anyy good recommendations for teeth whitening products that I could get easily?

Best answer:

Answer by Cubsfan
The best kind of whitner is the ones that the dentist uses. Its not so much that the whitning gel that is expensive, its getting the mold made for your teeth that costs a lot. If anyone know of some stores that possibly sell mold kits..that would be the best.

The name of the whitner is "nitewhite" and you can look it up on the net. Its what the dentists prescribe. There are different strenghts. Some you can keep on for an hour..and some you keep on overnite.

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What is the best way to whiten teeth after having braces removed?

Question by Stacie F: What is the best way to whiten teeth after having braces removed?
I am 22 and recently got braces. I drink coffee regularly and am sure that I will have stains around where the braces are. What is the best way to whiten teeth? I have heard that laser teeth whitening may be a good way to go, but that it can be very expensive. How much does this typically cost? Are whitening strips just as effective? if so, will there be noticable stains for a long time, or do the stains start to fade immediately? I would really appreciate the advice of someone who has experienced this sort of problem

Best answer:

Answer by lad06006
I recently just started working at a dental office. Not to scare you, but a woman came into our office last week and she had her teeth whitened and you could see the outline of her braces. This doesn't happen very often but make sure all of the cement or whatever was used for your braces is removed completely from your teeth. You can always ask your dentist or orthodontist if your teeth are okay for a whitening. A good treatment is called Zoom. I believe it is around 350$ . I have not done it yet but I would like to get it done soon.

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Whats the best home teeth whitening products, system I can use to whiten teeth? Laser teeth whitening?

Question by : Whats the best home teeth whitening products, system I can use to whiten teeth? Laser teeth whitening?
Are professional teeth whitening products really much better than over the counter at home teeth whitening kits such as crest or rembrandt advanced whitening strips, listerine etc.?

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by This guy
They are better, but they are MUCH more expensive. Also everyones teeth are different. You may get your teeth professionally whitened and loose the results in a week, but your friend might use whitening strips and have great results that last for a year.
If you follow the directions on the whitening strips to a "T" and use a whitening toothpaste (like Crest Vivid white) you should be satisfied and you save a few hundred dollars.
However, the downside to this is, for really good results you must follow the directions (it's usually like 2x a day), and it takes a couple of weeks.

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Is there any teeth whitening strips that can work with a gap?

Question by Samaiya B: Is there any teeth whitening strips that can work with a gap?
Hello i am in need of teeth whitening and i really need to know if any strips can help me because i have a gap. My two front teeth has a opening between them! HELP!

Best answer:

Answer by {M.A.}
lol obviously not i'd look pretty weird

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Any idea how much would it cost to get my teeth whitened or bleached?

Question by ilona: Any idea how much would it cost to get my teeth whitened or bleached?
I would like to get my teeth whitened. People who done it before, is it worth to get it done at the doctors office or at home? How much will it cost, I live in Washington state area.

Best answer:

Answer by ilatina504
My dentist is pretty top of the line and he uses ZOOM and it cost $ 400 just for the whitening. He says its really good and everything but it only last for like 6 months or so.

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How to make teeth super white in 2 weeks?

Question by Amanda Hold: How to make teeth super white in 2 weeks?
My homecoming is in 2 weeks, and I want my teeth to be whiter! They're sorta white right now but have a yellowish tint! What's something I can do that wont cost a ton of money? I heard hydrogen peroxide made your teeth whiter?

Best answer:

Answer by Cathy
Crest strips. Sometimes dentists run specials on zoom whitening.

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How to make your teeth whiter?

Question by leahdeah2000: How to make your teeth whiter?
I'm trying to make my teeth whiter. I've tryed using baking soda and it hasn't seemed to be working. Is there anyother home soultion to use. I don't really have the money to go out and buy teeth whitner. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by needlepoint_lace
Just buy a whitening toothpaste.
You need toothpaste and, combined with the cost of the baking soda, it would equal about the same you normally spend.
I like Remembrant's Intense Stain whitening toothpaste.
Works very well and quickly too.

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How much does it cost to have a maltese's teeth cleaned at the vet?

Question by Denisha G: How much does it cost to have a maltese's teeth cleaned at the vet?
I recently got a dog that my mom rescued and his teeth are horrible. He is missing teeth and since we've gotten him the bottom of his teeth are white and the top are brown.
All answers would help.

Best answer:

Answer by Aduial
Call and ask your vet.

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