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Friday, April 19, 2013

Whats the best home teeth whitening products, system I can use to whiten teeth? Laser teeth whitening?

Question by : Whats the best home teeth whitening products, system I can use to whiten teeth? Laser teeth whitening?
Are professional teeth whitening products really much better than over the counter at home teeth whitening kits such as crest or rembrandt advanced whitening strips, listerine etc.?

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by This guy
They are better, but they are MUCH more expensive. Also everyones teeth are different. You may get your teeth professionally whitened and loose the results in a week, but your friend might use whitening strips and have great results that last for a year.
If you follow the directions on the whitening strips to a "T" and use a whitening toothpaste (like Crest Vivid white) you should be satisfied and you save a few hundred dollars.
However, the downside to this is, for really good results you must follow the directions (it's usually like 2x a day), and it takes a couple of weeks.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. if you are looking for the best teeth whitening, check out this site

    You'll get a white and bright smile just in 1-2 days and it'll last for 6 months or longer.

  2. The home products work slow, and don't last too long. A good whitening by a Dentist is best! (They use a stronger peroxide, and the UV light).. Teeth whitening does not work on dentures, crowns or veneers.. Results can be several shades lighter, but will not last forever. Coffee, tea, foods, blueberries, etc. will eventually darken the enamel after a period of time. Some sensitivity is usually experienced during or after whitening treatments..

  3. Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

    There are said to be many "home remedies" for teeth whitening. In this article we explain each teeth whitening home remedy and its effect on teeth. Some may help, but most home remedies will damage your teeth.

    Please do have a look at the various home remedies at…

    Which Professional Teeth Whitening System is Best?

    The fact is there has been a lot of hype about professional tooth whitening systems (i.e. Zoom, BriteSmile, Sapphire) that "work wonders", while in reality, not a single professional tooth whitening system has proved to be the most effective. Your needs and your dentist are the best places to start reviewing whitening systems.

    What Dental Publications Say

    You might think about researching magazines that are designed for professional dentists, but there are a lot of dental publications and many feature reports detailing the clinical trials of various professional tooth whitening products. Many of these reports and research materials, however, are sponsored by the manufacturers of such products, so not much can be said about their credibility. Also the majority of studies are designed to reach statistical conclusions, which is different from the side-by-side comparisons that consumers might find useful. If you think you might want to make a dramatic difference in the whiteness of your smile, it's best to either consult your dentist or find a dentist that specializes in cosmetic procedures - and not focus merely on choosing the best whitening system.

    Pick the Best Dentist

    There are a number of factors that determine the success of any tooth whitening product, including the present state of your dental health. That's the most important reason to consult a dentist if you're planning on professional whitening.

    In general, patients having a darker set of teeth have shown better results than people with lighter teeth. Also, the degree of relapse of tooth whitening achieved will vary from patient to patient. Some patients are able to sustain their results for a longer time than others. As a matter of fact, even the different teeth in a patient's mouth show different results, despite using the same product. Hence, the results of professional tooth whitening products are very subjective. Besides these factors, the results also depend on the way your dentist uses the whitener. Certain professional tooth whitening products are to be used in a specific way. The results of the whitening system can be affected by the dentist's adherence to the protocol as prescribed by the manufacturer.

    Ideally, you should focus on finding the best dentist for tooth whitening rather than looking for the best professional tooth whitening system in the market. The results depend on how skilled your dentist is and how he or she uses the tooth whitening system.

    While choosing dentists you should keep the following things in mind:

    - The experience of the dentist in this field
    - Number of teeth whitening treatments performed
    - Number of teeth whitening methods available
    - Testimonials and results of previous patients

    Once you find the best dentist for tooth whitening, let the dentist decide the best tooth whitening system for you.

  4. the most effective and the easiest home tooth whitening method is to use a soap bar. It is preferable that your bar contains glycerol. You can apply it to tooth brush and add half of a teaspoon of baking soda with a sprinkle of salt.

    I personally did this once-twice a week at most 3 times a week. You should not do this regiment for more than two weeks at a time and never back to back months. It may degrade the enamel.

    Your teeth will become brighter when you destroy or clean the dirty coat; this is what baking soda and dentist teeth cleaning method does.

  5. The question is really a matter of how badly you want your teeth to be pearly white, and how much you're willing to pay for that last bit of white. I think Crest white strips do great job, and you can buy about 20 boxes of them for the price of a dental whitening. I don't think the professional whitening makes enough of a difference to be worth that much.
