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Sunday, August 11, 2013

How can I make my teeth whiter?

Question by Farivar: How can I make my teeth whiter?
I want to know how to make my teeth whiter and also stronger in an inexpensive,easy and practical way, and also my teeth are sensitive if you have a solution for that too please mention it.

Best answer:

Answer by titan1973
try dipping your toothbrush in peroxide

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Swish with peroxide and buy Creast white strips .

  2. You dont get best of the both world. The best way is for you is to find a dentist. Whitening strip can only be applied at the front of your teeth while the rest will remain the same. It would look weird especially if you have a wider smile. The front part will be whiter while the side will be yellow.

  3. Crest 3d whiting toothpaste

  4. Whatever you do, do not go to a dentist and get them whitened. Instead ask for strips that yet recommend. I got my teeth whitening for $ 250 and $ 50 for whitening trays but it did nothing, waste of money. Just brush and use a whitening mouthwash. Use floss, not because it will make your teeth white, but to prevent them from getting plaque or yellow. Good hygiene will keep teeth whiter :)
