I need help on the best teeth whitening products department. I've used white strips before but they're really gross for some reason. Any other best teeth whitening products methods that has worked for yourself?
Best answer:
Answer by Steve
Brushing your teeth after every meal will prevent your teeth from getting any worse. And of course keeping away from coffee, tea and smoking will help too. ;-)
The crest whitening strips work pretty good. I notice a difference the first few times I used it, but the more I used them though the less difference I saw.
As far as the whitening tooth paste and mouth washes, they don't seem to do anything at all.
What worked the best for me was this mail order stuff from teethwhiten.com, it worked really quickly. They had a free sample offer so you can try it out and see how it works for yourself.
Click the link below if your interested in getting the free sample:
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I asked a friend (dentist) about my celebrity teeth whitener questions and she recommended ordering a teeth whitening kit online....it's the best thing I've ever used. It works great and really doesn't take that long to whiten. You can also go to your dentist and get the take home gel but the price for those ranges from $ 500-$ 2000. Try the whitening kit first to spend a little and see if that works. If you don't like it then visit your doctor for their home gel. You can also try baking soda and peroxide but it takes a very long time to see any type of 'celebrity teeth whitener' result.