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Thursday, April 25, 2013

How do i keep my teeth white if i have braces?

Question by Selena Moss: How do i keep my teeth white if i have braces?
I'm getting braces for two years next week. My only concern is how will i keep my teeth white if my braces are kind of in the way?

Best answer:

Answer by heyaa
Mouth washhh and the specail foaming toothpaste get through all corners :)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. I never wondered that..interesting question. Maybe just brush, mouthwash, floss?

  2. Use Hydrogen Peroxide as a mouth rinse.
    Don't swallow it.

  3. Dentist suggest people with braces brush their teeth after every meal..
    bring your toothbrush and toothpaste when you are outing..
    brushing, flossing, mouthwash is enough to keep your teeth clean and white..=)

    it'll whiten the parts of your teeth not covered by brackets and then when you go to take them off you'll have white spots where the brackets used to be.

    brushing helps, of course, but because it's hard to get into every space, i suggest getting a mouthwash and one of those interdental pick thingys( they look like tooth picks but make out of metal with bristles on the end)

  5. The best thing to do is to simply brush everyday. Don't be afraid to spend more time brushing your teeth than you did before. My orthodontist also gave me this small brush (called Interdental brushes) that helped me brush in between the brackets of the braces. You should be able to find them at drug stores or normal supermarkets. Though it may not keep your teeth white, flossing will help keep them nice and clean. It is a bit troublesome to floss with braces on, but it really helps because your toothbrush won't be able to reach all areas of your teeth anymore with the braces in the way. Rising with mouthwash can also help get rid of some bacteria :)

    This site also gives some helpful hints on what types of tooth brushes to use:
