Alta White Teeth Whitening
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Idol White Teeth Whitening

Friday, June 14, 2013

How Do You make my teeth so white ?

Question by Naimo C: How Do You make my teeth so white ?
Okay my teeth are a little white but not that much my mom always says look at those girl teeth why can urs be like that so what can i do and i do brush ?

Best answer:

Answer by x_Lil_Miss_Sunshine_x
floss, whitening toothpaste, apple skin is good for whitening i hear (don't know if true though)

you can get a home whitening kit!

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Try crest White Strips. Or It is said that a toothpaste containing Baking soda helps to whiten teeth =].

  2. brush twice a day.. or after every meal. rinse with some mouth wash. Floss your teeth. whitening kits are bad for your teeth. jus as long as u brish like i told u, u will see improvements slowly but surely.

  3. livelaughlovemusic♥June 14, 2013 at 5:35 AM

    Well using any teeth strips, are not good for your teeth. There are chemicals that aren't good for them whatsoever, and your bleaching you teeth? Drink milk. This has calcium, and, of course, calcium builds strong bones and teeth. Also remember to brush your teeth 2-3 times a day, and remember to floss every time too.
