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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How can I make my teeth whiter without geting them bleached?

Question by Linds: How can I make my teeth whiter without geting them bleached?
I want to make my teeth whiter but I don't want to get them bleached, what are some other things I could try?

Best answer:

Answer by Maya Rose
brushing your teeth

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Get a whitening toothpaste and mouth wash and make sure to at least brush your teeth once a day, twice would probably be better. You could also try brushing with baking soda. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent so try swishing some around in your mouth. Maybe get whitening strips? Though those can be rather pricey. Avoid coffee and other drinks/foods that can stain teeth.

  2. whitening strips are really pricey, but my friends use a good whitening toothpaste and mouthwash, and they brush their teeth after every meal to avoid cavaties, tartar and stain buildups, their teeth are gorgeous and pearly white. unfortunately I have to wait cause I have braces :/
