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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How do I keep my teeth white and smoke cigars?

Question by Shooter78194: How do I keep my teeth white and smoke cigars?
I smoke cigars, like one every 1 or 2 weeks. Idk what to do because I see my teeth starting to get a bit yellow. Any cheap ish home remedies to keep my teeth white would be awesome, thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Jose
There is none.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Sorry ther is no way to keep them white and smoke, it is best that you stop smoking

  2. Baking soda. Whitening toothpaste.

  3. You don't...
    seriously, people want a quick fix for everything. In reality, the best remedy for you would be to quit smoking those cigars AND on top of that avoid foods that will stain your teeth, brush twice a day with a good whitening toothpaste, floss, mouthwash and all that stuff seeing as your teeth are 'starting to get a bit yellow'. You need to get rid of the cause.

  4. My aunt has been smoking for a long time. Pretty much most of her life.
    Her teeth are reallllly bad. I suggest finding a different habit that isn't a danger to your health and teeth or ya ain't gonna be prom queen. :/

  5. Just use whitening toothpaste. That works fairly well.

  6. Brush your teeth three times a day with a baking soda and whitening product. If they're getting yellow, then you need to up the tempo on the hygiene thing.

  7. Cheapest remedy brush with baking soda BEFORE brushing you teeth with toothpast. RInse and gargle with hydrogen peroxide. Doing this twice a week should help you.

  8. The best remedy for you would be to quit smoking those cigars AND on top of that avoid foods that will stain your teeth, brush twice a day with a good whitening toothpaste, floss, mouthwash and all that stuff seeing as your teeth are 'starting to get a bit yellow'. You need to get rid of the cause.
