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Saturday, May 4, 2013

How are celebrities teeth so white?

Question by Tay Mom: How are celebrities teeth so white?
Is there clinic's that make teeth white like that? How much would it cost and what is it called?

Best answer:

Answer by ?
Well, some just brush their teeth. It's not really a trick they just brush, brush, brush. But some arent like that. For instince, Bruno Mars. He hardly brushes his teeth, but yet again he has beautiful and sparkly teeth. I guess they go to their doctors and their doctors give them special kind of toothpaste. I really dont know, but good question.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. They definitely pay to have them whitened. Your dentist can tell you about it. But don't overwhiten your teeth, as so many celebrities do. Their smiles look fake. Paula Deen's smile is scary.

    Or check the toothpaste aisle in the store. There are tons of whiten-at-home products there. Use them wisely, however. If you're over anxious and try to rush things, etc., you can get scary results, yourself.

  2. well there something all celebrities do
    in my country we call it ( lazer )
    and i don't really know the name in english
    but i'm sure

  3. because they are RICH enough to afford a bleach or whitening !! its so obvious
