Alta White Teeth Whitening
Bella Labs Teeth Whitening
Idol White Teeth Whitening

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What is the best and least expensive way to whiten your teeth?

Question by : What is the best and least expensive way to whiten your teeth?
I've been wanting to whiten my teeth for a long time but I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars! If anyone knows of any teeth whitening products that won't cost an arm and a leg let me know.

Best answer:

Answer by Ninjaaa(:
Why is this in the Cars and Transportation section?

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. stop at home depot and get brite white paint and go for it

  2. drink milk... very slowly whitens them
    or a whitening wouthwash

  3. try tooth paste with baking soda premixed. its AMAZING! i noticed results after litteraly one use. its around the price of an ordinary tube of toothpaste. only draw back is that it will sting when you use it, but you'll get used to it after a week.

    and i tried some crest or colagate paste that you put on in the night time. it worked well and it lasted long. it was like half or a quarter the price of whitening strips, so it was decently priced.

  4. I am a dentist, if you are looking for the best teeth whitening, check out this

    You'll get a white and bright smile just in 1-2 days and it'll last for 6 months or longer.
