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Idol White Teeth Whitening

Thursday, December 26, 2013

What is a good teeth whitening product?

Question by : What is a good teeth whitening product?
I've never used any teeth whitening products and I'd like to remove some stains from my teeth. So which one/ones works the best? A d does the white eventually fade back to the same color your tooth was before to where you'd have to whiten them again? If so, how long does the white usually last before it starts to fade?

Best answer:

Answer by hallieeee
a very inexpensive one that i reccomend is BAKING SODA! i swear you have to try this, i do it all the time (well twice a week is all you can do) but you just get your tooth brush wet and plop on some baking soda just like you would toothpaste and just brush your teeth with it. its gonna taste weird and dont swallow it, but i PROMISE youll see results immediatly. my mom found out about it in this weird magazine and insisted i try it. its soo cool :D

and to the person below me, you must have REALLY sensitive teeth to only be using crest white strips once a year! i dont think that applys to everyone, and i def said dont use it every day, just once or twice a week. otherwise youll destroy the enamel on your teeth.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Dont use baking soda every day I really dont trust it at all to be honest. I brush my teeth twice a day (I really dont drink coffee so i dont have stained teeth). But i do use crest white strips once a year they really work great dont use it like everyday for an entire year it just a 14 day program where you wear it an hour a day you can divide it into when ever but after 14 days and a few days later you will see your teeth whitening up a lot. The only downside is you cant really talk or eat with them on. But overall brush your teeth twice a day and use crest white strips ONCE a year.

  2. if you are looking for the best teeth whitening, check out this site

    You'll get a white and bright smile just in 1-2 days and it'll last for 6 months or longer.

  3. I used the Dazzle White Pro to whiten my teeth and I am very happy with the results.
    there is a 14 day trial offer coupon here:
    also read this article about the different methods for teeth whitening:

  4. You can try cheap and easy to do home remedy using baking soda and hyrogen peroxide. Usually you need to use it a couple times a week to see and maintain result. If you want the white to last longer, one tip is to avoid drinks like coffee and tea as these stains teeth. Here's the recipe and more infomation about teeth whitening:

    Hope this helps
