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Saturday, November 9, 2013

How Do I Make My Teeth Whiter?

Question by : How Do I Make My Teeth Whiter?
I eat a bit too much candy (Oops! I know it's bad for me :/ and my teeth) and so my teeth are quite yellow. I do brush my teeth every morning and night, but I don't really floss because I have braces.

Does any of you have any suggestions as to how to make my teeth whiter, without going to the dentist and getting all that cosmetics stuff?

Best answer:

Answer by Johna Krotov
Ive actually used baking soda to whiten my teeth. It not poisonous for your teeth. You can just put it on your toothbrush and start brushing. But dont swallow the baking soda!

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. You have braces, so you absolutely need to start flossing. I have braces and floss every night. Crest threader floss, very easy to use.
    For whiter teeth while in braces, brush normal with whatever toothpaste you want then swish a 50/50 mix of peroxide and water. So like 1tsp water, 1 tsp peroxide. I keep the little measuring cups from kids medicine and use that. 30 seconds of swishing. You won't be able to make your teeth totally white till after braces. Then there are many cheap options, like the white strips.

  2. First eating all that candy is going to cause serious problems with braces on. Second you can't whiten your teeth with braces on. Whitening can't get through the metal of the braces so you will have discolored squares on your teeth where the braces where. If you aren't careful with the candy you will HAVE to go to the dentist for all that cosmetic stuff when your braces come off from cavities and decalcification. Just make sure you brush around the braces properly and as soon as they come off you can whiten
