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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How can I make my teeth look whiter?

Question by ashlee_mcholland19: How can I make my teeth look whiter?
I don't want to use whitening treys unless that's all there is. A friend told me baking soda helps get rid of stains on teeth so they look whiter as well as peroxide, is that true?
What else gets rid of teeth stains and plaque other than whitening toothpaste?

Best answer:

Answer by Elena
As long as you are brushing your teeth regularly you can use certain electric toothbrushes that have different heads that help whiten teeth or brush on paste. The risk with using the trays is that some of the products can cause extreme sensitivity. You can see a dentist and they will be able to tell you all the alternatives.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Brush your teeth, stop drinking coffee, stop smoking..

    You can also try using whitening products..

    A visit to the doctor will cost you anywhere from 400-1000

    Crest whitening strips - 80 to 100

    or you can take advantage of Free trial offers and just pay shipping and handling, comes to like $ 5 if you use two free trials..

  2. Teeth Whitening At The Dentist

    You will need to visit the dentist at least once, and perhaps several times over a period of a few days to achieve maximum whiteness.

    The cost of whitening performed by your dentist will cost on average $ 650 each visit. It should take no more than one hour per session. Depending on the number of sessions required, the total cost could be well over $ 1000.

    The good thing about whitening at the dentist is that the results are almost immediate. You can leave the dentist's chair and have teeth 4 to 6 shades whiter.

    How it works is that the dentist will first clean your teeth, then protect your gums with a special shield or gel before applying the bleach to your teeth. After leaving the bleach on your teeth for 15 to 20 minutes, the process is then repeated a few times. A laser light may also be used to enhance the whitening effect.

    For more information please read our article on professional teeth whitening.

    Teeth Whitening At Home

    Teeth whitening in the comfort of your own home is a lot more convenient and also more affordable than dentist whitening.

    There are two main variations of take-home whitening kits. Ones you can buy from the dentist, and over-the-counter kits bought from stores or conveniently online.

    The kits sold by your dentist have a higher concentration of peroxide and cost more than over-the-counter kits. Take home kits from your dentist range from $ 100 to $ 400. Over-the-counter kits or those purchased online are around the $ 20 to $ 100 mark.

    They are both applied to your teeth in similar ways. A whitening gel is used in conjunction with a mouth tray which fits to your teeth. Some over-the-counter kits may also make use of strips which you stick over the top of your teeth

  3. I have been a heavy smoker for the past 8 years and used to have stained teeth.. And I mean really badly stained.

    Brushing your teeth after every meal will prevent your teeth from getting any worse. And of course keeping away from coffee, tea and smoking will help too. ;-)

    The crest whitening strips work pretty good. I noticed a difference the first few times I used it, but the more I used them though the less difference I saw.

    There is a product out there that helped me get my teeth white in 2 weeks flat.. It ships in a day or two and it only costs $ 1 using a coupon.
    get it urself from and use the coupon:SMILE

    Enjoy your white teeth with this product and stay away from other rip offs with fake promises.

    PS: It took me years of trial and error to get to this miracle product and I would love to share my experience with you.
