Alta White Teeth Whitening
Bella Labs Teeth Whitening
Idol White Teeth Whitening

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What teeth whitening product would you recommend?

Question by : What teeth whitening product would you recommend?
I will be getting braces off soon and have had them on for a solid 3 years. I really need a very effective teeth whitening product, over the counter. Any ideas? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by shelba
How do teeth whitening products work? Whitening the teeth with the use of proper teeth whitening products or teeth whitening kits is both effective and safe. It is because none of the good quality teeth whitening products damage the enamel. If you are really looking for teeth whitening, normal toothpaste probably isn't enough just by itself.

I suggest doing what this mom did,

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. well, you can either buy a cheap tube of toothpaste or invest a bit of your money into a proper over the counter teeth whitening kit. Funny thing is that i just came across a great website that should definitely help.

  2. i still recommend to use some teeth whitening kits.
    they are cheap and effective. check out this review site, some companies there offer free trial offers right now

  3. If you really want to whiten your teeth, you should try DazzleWhite. Check out the link here:

    Good luck! :)

  4. There are many reasons and causes as to why an individual may have discolored teeth. Some of those reasons can include smoking, drinking coffee, use of antibiotics or dental care neglect.

    What ever the reason for tooth discoloration, it is important to know that there are processes that can be utilized to whiten one’s teeth. Some of those teeth whitening techniques can include the use of teeth whitening strips, capping the teeth and laser tooth whitening. In addition, there are home processes that can be accomplished as well as being treated professionally.

    Here is a review of two great products which have free teeth whitening trial offers:
