Alta White Teeth Whitening
Bella Labs Teeth Whitening
Idol White Teeth Whitening

Sunday, July 14, 2013

What is the Best teeth whitening product?

Question by : What is the Best teeth whitening product?
I've never used any teeth whitening products and I'd like to remove some stains from my teeth. So which one/ones works the best? A d does the white eventually fade back to the same color your tooth was before to where you'd have to whiten them again? If so, how long does the white usually last before it starts to fade?

Best answer:

Answer by Ticklish Hippos
I use Target brand (generic) whitening trays. They are less expensive and work just as well. I like using the trays better than strips. The whitening is going to fade no matter what. Usually it will last a couple months though. There is more information about this kind of stuff on the box.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. So explain how this belongs in this category? Do you plan on whitening your computer?

  2. if you are looking for the best way to whiten your teeth, check out this site

    You'll get a white and bright smile just in 1-2 days and it'll last for 6 months or longer.
