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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How can you make your teeth whiter in a short amount of time?

Question by anonymiss: How can you make your teeth whiter in a short amount of time?
I'm getting my braces off soon, so i would like to know how i can make my teeth white. Many people who just had their braces off said that their teeth looked yellow afterwards, please help THANKKKSSS!!

Best answer:

Answer by Jackie
When I got my braces off, my teeth were a bit yellow, not gross, but not sparkling white, they were normal. I got a sonicare toothbrush (worth the investment it is AWESOME!), Crest Vanilla Mint toothpaste, a small pack of crest whitestrips for the first few days, and a listerine whitening pen, and that did the trick. If you have any other Q's about getting braces off, feel free to message me, since I just got mine off a month ago.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. There is a variety of methods. From toothpaste and strips, to trays and treatments you can have done at the dentist's. Some methods are much more expensive and more effective than others. And you have to watch out not to damage your enamel in the process.

    You can read about all the different methods and compare them here:

  2. Ways to keep your smile sparkling:

    1. Snack on celery — or carrots or cucumbers. These foods require lots of chewing, which steps up saliva production and flushes away stains.
    2. Chew sugarless gum or have a quick swish with water after you eat or drink to eliminate stains.
    3. When drinking dark-colored fluids try to keep them from touching the front sides of your teeth by using a straw.
    4. Floss. It helps erase stains between teeth.
    5. Don't smoke. Tobacco is the top tooth stainer — and you don’t want all your at-home whitening-works to go to waste.
